Safety & Security

Safety & Security, as far as we can, are part of what we do for our Residents. We want them to live in a safe, happy, homely environment with abundant friends. This will only be possible if we have the Safety & Security of our residents at heart.

We have high-tech, modern, state-of-the-art cameras in many communal areas inside the Home (and in some strategic areas outside the home). ADT’s site office is directly opposite us and they do regular cycling rounds. Their site office is on the other side of Eden Rd, on the corner of Eden and Alma Roads. They are our ‘neighbours’ and they do a great job. Sometimes, they even accompany residents on their Neighbourhood Walks! The Night Nurse (Shift leader in charge) locks all doors at night and makes sure that all outside gates are closed and/or locked. After-hours resident returns to the Home, happen via the Care Centre or as arranged with the Residents Committee/passage representative.

We offer all our residents in all our accommodation options a sense of feeling safe and secure, feeling respected and loved, as per the summary below:
  • Ongoing daily rounds 24/7 inside the building
  • 2-Hourly rounds at night
  • Sign in of visitors, suppliers and contractors
  • Registers for residents to use as ‘sign out/sign back’
  • Staff trained in Health & Safety & Security and Emergencies
  • All deliveries (including groceries and medication) are managed and monitored responsibly
  • 24/7/365 CCTV Monitoring in most common areas inside the building and some strategic locations outside the building
  • 24/7 ‘state-of-the-art’ Fire Detection System
  • Health & Safety Initiatives
  • Panic Button/Nurse Call
  • ADT Panic buttons managed by staff
  • Electronic Payments to providers advised (no cash in hand, no risk)
  • Comprehensive key control
  • Fencing/walled installation with gates around premises
  • Lock both gates in the Huis Nuweland drive-through area at our Care Centre, at night
  • Management living on premises
  • Admin staff and Nursing Manager on 24/7/365 stand-by in case of emergencies